
  • 20/20 4-6 July at 7:30pm at The Platform Theatre, Central Saint Martin’s College of Arts and Design, Handyside Street, N1C 4AA, £15/£10.00. Watch the trailer
  • Muncitor: All Workers Go to Heaven plays 7-11 July at 8pm and 5pm 7th and 11th only at Theatre Royal Stratford East, Gerry Raffles Square, E15 1BN, £15/£12/£7. Watch a teaser trailer and an interview with Ioana Păun

Disclaimer: the views above represent the author's own and none of the institutions and organisations mentioned in this article. To quote US filmmaker Lena Dunham from her brilliant new TV series, Girls: "I may be… at least… a voice, from… a generation."