Frankie Goes To Bollywood

Company: Rifco Theatre Company, HOME Manchester and Watford Palace Theatre Running time: 2h 30min approx
Venue: Theatre Royal Windsor, Windsor Dates:

More dates/venues ↓

Frankie never wanted to be a star, she just wanted a family—and after a chance encounter with an up-and-coming director, she finds herself transported to Bollywood.

As she climbs the sparkling staircase of stardom, Frankie has to confront what she is willing to do for fame and fortune. Can she stay in the Bollywood family and still be true to herself?

Inspired by real stories of British women who have been caught in the spotlight of the biggest film industry in the world, Frankie Goes to Bollywood is a colourful journey of romance, songs and dance.

Other Performances

Venue: The Alhambra Theatre, Bradford Dates:
Venue: Belgrade Theatre, Coventry Dates:
Venue: New Theatre, Cardiff Dates:
Venue: Southbank Centre, London Dates:


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