The Lieutenant of Inishmore
Set on the remote Aran Islands, the story follows Padraic, a ruthless Irish National Liberation Army enforcer, who returns home to find that his beloved cat, Wee Thomas, has been killed. What ensues is a series of darkly hilarious and brutal events that expose the absurdity of extremist violence.
Taking the role of Padraic is Julian Moore-Cook, who has numerous TV roles that include The Peripheral, Derry Girls and Peaky Blinders, and recent theatre credits including Underdog: The Other Other Brontë (National Theatre and Northern Stage) and Cowbois (RSC and Royal Court). The role of Donny is played by Alan Turkington, Michael Tient is Brendan and Taylor McClaine plays Davey. Katherine Devlin, recently seen on BBC TV in Blue Lights, takes the role of Mairead.