Dust off your platform shoes and grab yourself a Bacardi Breezer as Swipe Right Theatre takes you on a riotous romp through the 'nineties in their new female empowering production 2 Become 1.
Opening with the breakup of Jess (Natasha Granger) and her possibly gay lover, this loud, brash and colourful extravaganza takes the audience on a fast-paced flirt with speed dating and what finding the man of your dreams was really like back when Tamagotchi's were pets and the best thing about a mobile was its Snake playing capability.
Joined by her three best mates, alternative Molly (Kerrie Thomason), feisty Charlie (Eliza Hewitt Jones) and desperate Amanda (Jessica Brady), Jess is forced into a fun night of man hunting to drown her sorrows and whether it works or not the audience are gripped from the very start of this hilarious journey.
Natasha Granger and Kerrie Thomason have created a fun party musical that certainly doesn't take itself too seriously and is never far from a huge power ballad or crazy dance routine. With mash-ups of "Horny" and "Genie in a Bottle" pulled off to whoops and cheers by all spectating and a great homage to Titanic bringing down the roof, this certainly isn't high class theatre but it's a great afternoon of hilarity.
The breaking of the fourth wall to find Amanda's perfect man is well executed if a little awkward until it gets going and the storyline of the whole piece is somewhat stereotypical but if you can overlook the basic plot and cheesy puns then this is certainly money well spent.
The one aspect that doesn't fit quite rightly with the female empowerment theme that seems to drive this play along, however, is the multiple montages of male voiceovers explaining their ideal female partner. In making a theatrical standpoint for women, you can't help but feel at times the writers show men off in a more negative light than perhaps they had anticipated.
This said, 2 Become 1 will have you dancing in the aisles (or on stage if you're lucky enough) by the end of this fun frolic with a decade that should never be forgotten.