The Bane trilogy reached it's final instalment in 2011 when Joe Bone and Ben Roe brought the third and final piece of the story to the Fringe to great reviews and rapturous applause. So it's fitting that for a follow-up the decision was made to bring the entire trilogy back for a swan-song in 2012.
Having seen the Bane trilogy every year so far, I was glad to see how the show had evolved. By lucky happenstance, I managed to find myself in a performance of Bane 2, which had originally been the demonstrably weaker of the three shows, partly due to the nature of the bridging piece in a trilogy but also for a few moments where the exact goings on in the performance became unclear.
It's with some pleasure that I can now say with no reservations that the entire trilogy is now a good as it could be. It's a full five star sweep for the epic Bane Trilogy.
If you're a Fringe fan and you've missed out on this gem then you owe it to yourself to have as much fun as Joe and Ben evidently are on stage. It's long past time that you met with Bruce Bane.