Three years ago (so long!) I was knocked out by the Rifco Arts production There's Something About Simmy. I wrote: ''s a show that creates in adults the excitement and involvement most of us first encountered as children at a pantomime. This is a totally delightful show which heaves with talent, humour, humanity...' So I was eager to see Rifco's new musical.
I was a little disappointed at first. To begin with the set seemed mundane and the microphoned actors boomed and distorted as if there had been an inadequate sound check.
But gradually the magic worked. The set came to life. My ears adjusted. The stage swirled with colour. The music was foot-tappingly brilliant. And the team quivered with energy and talent.
This is a short review. It's a simple story, simply told. There's a cast of eleven, plus a band of seven, each deserves special mention. And it is a winning night in the theatre.
A shorter review: go see it!
How lucky we are that the dads and mums of this joyful gang settled on this chilly island.
I have been to most of the productions in The Quarry, but never, never have I heard the noise that the massive audience made after Rifco's final song and dance. It was a joyous roar of appreciation, to be treasured by all who took part!
To 17th July 2010
Howard Loxton reviewed this production at the Theatre Royal, Stratford East