Narcisa is a sex worker. One night, a client, a reporter, wants to talk. He wants to record and report her life. But Narcisa knows that this will anger her pimp.
We are shown in a flashback a young Moldovan, Narcisa, wanting a better life for herself, interviewing for the job which snares her into the life of prostitution.
Two years later she has given up any prospect of a different life. She can no longer dream of a better life. She wants only to please the pimp who owns her and assaults her. And the writer only makes her feel more vulnerable.
This type of enslaved prostitution has been going on, well, for ever. And Broken Dolls presents it as an occurrence, documents its existence, but does not offer any solutions to the problem.
The actors are competent and might have done more, but the script by Matthew Ackland is disjointed and flat and the direction by Peter Kelly is stiff and stilted. It never quite comes together.