A boy has been killed but the youngsters who have done the deed are determined to cover it up.
In theory this Kings Players production of DNA by Dennis Kelly should be a raw and hard-hitting tale that puts the audience through their paces emotionally and mentally. You just can't help but feel the whole play loses momentum half way through however and falls flat where any deep lying undertones are concerned.
The play starts off as a great spectacle with Patrick Sale's discordant music sounding through the auditorium as the full company assembles on stage, heightening tension. However, this is where the harmony in the piece begins to lose its tune.
The irrational music begins to appear in places that certainly does not need instrumental backing and the emotions conveyed in the scene often don't match that of the electronic soundtrack. At points it almost feels like you have walked into a musical but the actors never quite make it to the song.
The cast is certainly a group with differing acting abilities. Jan actress Cat Palethorpe is by far the most accomplished performer with her gags about dentistry filling the venue with laughter. On the other end of the scale is Elise VanLil whose long monologues failed to keep the audience's attention for more than a few lines.
There are some great moments within the production such as the enactment of Phil's (Ben Dallyn) grand plan allowing the audience an insight into the back workings of the story.
DNA by the King's Players is most certainly an interesting and intriguing perofrmance but, had a little more attention to detail had been cast over the production, the actors' portrayals of each character would have been much more believable, keeping the audience's attention right until the bitter end.
DNA runs until the 17 August at Zoo Southside.