Beckett can be difficult. As one of the most highly regarded playwrights of the last century, and one of the most gifted in layering his work with subtlty and wit, his work is often difficult to follow, and harder to perform.
Endgame, one of his most darkly comic and intricate mediations, can end up being either a farcical slew of nonsense in the wrong hands, or an endlessly fascinating touch upon death, old age, isolation, the meaning of beginnings and endings; all filtered through the eyepiece of absurdist french theatre.
In bringing Endgame to the Fringe, blind elephant has managed to lift the humour of the piece out and make sure the audience can engage with the lunatic interactions between Nagg, Nell, Clov and Hamm, making for an entertaining and engaging show for those who are either open minded enough to enjoy a well directed and acted play, or who have enough versing in Beckett to see what is really going on beneath the surface.