Elliot C Mason’s sixty-minute show, is described in the programme as “a dark political comedy” that plays “around with our stuckness in the contemporary.”
The three unnamed women who are stuck in a small apartment, are not getting on, but seem unable or unwilling to leave. Various things they say, indicate the world beyond has been devastated. At least that is what they fear. Yet food is running out and they are irritated by each other.
They argue like children in a playground over trivial matters such as what to do with play bricks and who should clean the toilet. When they get really fed up, they attempt to lighten the boredom by something they refer to as “the shiver”, which seems to consist of mutual masturbation, though this only works for one of them who is then carried about the room having what appears to be a very lengthy orgasm.
It is difficult to care what happens to these one-dimensional characters who squabble in such an unrealistic manner and say such odd things as “without all that negativity, we’d have no way of being positive.”
There is no dramatic tension because there never seems to be anything at stake. The audience didn’t laugh and unless the writer was trying to suggest that women left too long in their own company regress into children, then I am puzzled as to what the writer thought was political about the play.