
Flattered Collective


Most of us want to be liked. It’s only natural.

No wonder Cassie(Lucy Fourgs) stepping up to the pub bar is feeling awkward. As she earlier walked in with Alice, she heard some lads behind them rate one of them a two and the other a nine. She just isn’t sure which figure refers to her.

The barman Dave spots she is bothered and, getting her to tell him what is wrong, is kindly. He says she looks really good and he would certainly give the lads a sharp word if he saw them.

Of course her actual score is not the issue. She is learning the golden rule of measuring her value in the eyes and appetites of men.

There are other scenes like this. A woman alone in a club looking for her friend is spoken to by an amiable young man who offers her drinks and invites her to join him and his mates. And just maybe he crosses a line.

Then there is the woman alone going home at night who hears someone walking behind her. That’s quite normal isn’t it? She surely has no reason to panic does she?

And anyway, even if a woman is certain some man is out of order, she can always object can’t she?

When three women are irritated by the persistent whistling from a man, Izzy (Katy Cogswell) turns to fight him, but her friends try to discourage her. They don’t want the situation to become more risky. How to object is not always straightforward.

Most of the scenes encourage discussion and they are framed by an engaging poetic narrative that sets the scene and comments on the action.

This is an entertaining and imaginative exploration of a subject that should concern us all.

Reviewer: Keith Mckenna

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