
Adapted by Lisa Turner from the opera Iphigenie en Tauride by Gluck

Take Gluck's baroque opera and shorten it to 30 minutes; shift the focus (and so change much of the libretto) so that it is entirely on the mental and emotional state of Iphingenia herself; remove all other characters so that Iphigenia alone remains; using one performer, present it through aria, recitative and dance. That's what Lisa Turner has done, and what's more she is also the performer.

It's quite a tour de force and, in the main, works extraordinarily well. It reminded me very much of Emio Greco and Pieter Scholten's version of the same composer's Orfeo for Northern Opera two years ago (a piece that did not go down terribly well at the EIF that year!), but this is not so extreme in its dance style. It is, in fact, in the dance that the slight weakness of this performance lies, in that it is dynamically a little limited. However it is a brave experiement which generally works very well.

Reviewer: Peter Lathan

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