Inman may be in his grave but camp retail comedy is by no means dead as Far From Kansas are here to welcome you into their brand-spanking-new big gay department store 'Hardy Dicks'.
Captain P Cock and his many mincing shop assistants are giving out innuendo by the trolley-load. It isn't all old school innuendo Far From Kansas are way beyond the closeted gay humour of the seventies; there are modern songs, wonderfully adapted older musical numbers and also some very touching manlove.
These guys are not afraid to let things get hot and steamy with their version of 'Hey Big Spender' performed around a straight eighteen-year-old from the audience. Their choreography seems to get better with each new musical, next year expect something on par with Billy Elliot.
Muscle Mary the vampy villain was an absolute hoot, think Ursula with heels, trying to butch up the Hardy Dicks' staff so they'll attract straight men to the store. Aside from the many over-the-top characters the little love story, which makes use of a really great mishearing of one of the original Little Shop Of Horrors numbers, is sweet and played quite straight.
The only disappointment is if you want to be served by the multi-talented members of Far From Kansas they only on for a week.