Sadly, the best that could be said of Fife Youth Arts’ production of Macbeth is that the actors seem to have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm and know their lines and blocking.
I’m not sure why this was listed as “Spoken Word” instead of “Theatre” but that may be some alert to the production values. There are times when the Macbeths almost succeed at times but Shakespeare and Macbeth in particular take the kind of research and understanding that comes with age; or, at the least, with research and understanding.
These young actors lack the life experience to understand the finesse, cunning and motivation of these very complex characters. The director seemed to be of little help. The cavernous Edinburgh Academy Gymnasium was not really a good space for theatre. Some of the dialogue is lost and the sight lines are bad for anyone behind the first row.
The director must not have been aware of these problems and, perhaps did not travel with the production to solve the problem.