Interweaving the stories of a British soldier from WWI and one from modern day Afghanistan, this moving piece examines the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder as both men struggle with their memories and new identities. Relationships become strained and fractured as words do not adequately express the inner confusion and torment felt by these changed men.
The isolation felt by the women is also highlighted by a bedroom sequence in which not even sleep can draw the couple closer to each other.
The visual elements of this show are particularly striking with multimedia used effectively to mark the passing of time and the changing world. The simplicity of the set also keeps the attention focused upon the characters and dialogue as the three boxes are moved to represent both barracks and a home. This is a fresh new company with many talents and clearly big ideas.
Please note due to transport problems this reviewer missed seeing the first six minutes of the show, I could however hear the dialogue through the door as FOH staff waited for a suitable moment to let me in.