The Sake is the story of the process of making rice into sake, Japan's answer to Scotch and America's answer to, well just about anything alcoholic. But that is only the platform on which this multimedia / multi-art / multi-cultural / multi-generational (you get the idea) production is based.
One senses before any performers take the stage that one is in for a very special event. There are the sounds of birds and water flowing and dripping.
Director David Junya Yamada along with an army of creative talent who well outnumber the performers—and there are 12 of them and include storytellers, actors, magicians, dancers, acrobats and some amazing musicians know as dragons and worthy of their own show—all make this an exquisite show for all ages.
This is something very traditional and jaw-droppingly edgy. This is now and then, this is east meets west. This is young and old. It's got something for everyone. Go. Get yourself raptured. You won't be disappointed.