Shakespeare For Breakfast

C theatre
C viva

Shakespeare For Breakfast

This parody of Shakespeare at C Venues is a yearly event and probably one of the funniest things on the Fringe. Although be warned: they have moved location to New Town this year, which caught a few audience members out.

The basic premise is that a cast of five take a Shakespeare play and basically retell it in a modern way with bags of clever humour and at a pace that takes your breath away.

This year it is the turn of Romeo and Juliet which is reimagined in a pair of artisan coffee shops run by the Montebrews and The Cupulets and where Juliet is a Disney princess and Romeo just a bit of a lad.

The plot is all there, with a few tweaks and a large dose of artistic license. It’s mostly in modern English with a nod to some of the more famous speeches (and Leo DiCaprio’s film version). You don’t have to be a fan of Shakespeare to find this hilarious and you get coffee and a croissant thrown in for good measure.

The actors sparkle with energy, ad-libbing along the way whenever there is a pause for a brief costume change. If you sit on the front row, there’s a bit of audience participation, but it’s all good fun and its obvious the actors are enjoying themselves as much as the audience.

Superb entertainment, a laugh a minute and something that shouldn’t be missed.

Reviewer: Suzanne Hawkes

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