This is an extreme example of what can happen when you throw yourself into the process of speed dating—no holds bar—and two drinks only. Letty Thomas and Archie Backhouse play the opposites that wrestle their way to an agreeable compromise.
He's going to be very civilized and polite. After all, nothing has been invested or revealed. But she is gloves-off, let's not waste time with what will eventually fall by the wayside, what's the long-term value. With this, she is obviously in control as he's instantly off balance. "What?!?!?"
This is Paines Plough at its very best... as usual and expected: examining relationships and the rules of engagement. Director Katie Posner does a journeyman's job (with the professional hands of the actors) of trying to make a proscenium play work in-the-round. Miriam Battye's crisp script is in capable hands.