
James Sedwick and Robert Sanders
theSpace @ Venue45


Supertown by Robert Sanders and James Sidgwick is a tongue-in-cheek lampoon of the superheroes of the comic strip books. The use of projected images in the style of the comics moves the action between locations and works well.

The folk from Supertown are protected by a group of superheroes that ensure that everyone is safe and well as long as they continue to drink the town’s special Super Aid drink.

The enthusiastic company throw themselves into the performance with zest, dressed in brightly coloured costumes; just think spandex with pants worn outside, villains in black, caped crusaders and the Marvel movies and you will get the picture.

The plot is fairly predictable. Ste is a newspaper reporter and a “normal” by contrast. He wears grey and he doesn’t drink Super Aid.

The hero of the piece is Thunderman who rules the town but there is also his rival Electrogirl dressed in red, thigh-length, high-heeled boots and a very short white skirt who wants to win the heart of Thunderman.

Then there is the evil super-villain Dreadman and his servant Dreadful who want to rob a bank and retire to a villa in Spain on the proceeds but are not particularly bright.

All the Superheroes have a watch that will contact them when a crime is being committed but Zapperman always turns up late with his associate Dogwoman.

Of course there is a love interest with Ste in love with Sally who is in awe of Thunderman.

Then there is Doctor Boctor who is responsible for the Super Aid drink and what is the effect that it has on the townsfolk?

Will Ste find his love after all: “You don’t have to be a superhero to be a hero.” And who will win the Superhero of the year title?

With jaunty songs sung well, snazzy dance routines and infectious humour this is silly good fun.

Reviewer: Robin Strapp

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