The Hogwallops

Lost In Translation Circus
Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows

The Hogwallops

The Hogwallups from Lost In Translation Circus is the best of the combination of theatre and circus. This multi-national troupe is good at everything circus and fun to watch.

The Hogwallups are a dysfunctional family who torture and love each other. This makes for fertile soil in which can grow lots of tumbles, trapeze work, balancing and slapstick. And humour.

It’s the father’s birthday and a celebration is in preparation which includes a birthday cake. The missing ingredient is the father’s tasty banana which gets stolen from his secret hiding place and passed around.

All of this is setting for the fun and awesome circus tricks. The action is high energy and non-stop. We meet the gregarious father and his bashful son. There are two women who we might assume are mother and daughter.

Besides baking and laundry, there is someone good at everything. And then the odd man out who seems to be the bottom and muscle for many of the stunts. Let’s hear it for the big guy.

The cake is baked. The Hogwallups are colourful, funny and suitable for all ages, if a little on the messy side.

Reviewer: Catherine Henry Lamm

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