Having seen Tony Law perform in one shape or other over the last half-decade, it's always good to see that he has never let the trappings of popularity alter his madcap, random humour and seemingly tangential mind to becoming normal or everyday. Instead Law's comedy as usual relies on surprise, denial of expectation and occasionally complete left-field confusion.
The trouble is that as a whole the show makes almost no sense at all. There is no theme as such other than Law saying some amusing things. From witty references to famous dictators and atrocities and strange accents, to some clever comments on the nature of light-hearted banter and sniping at the current trend for rape jokes and humour at the expense of people, there were moments of amusement all wrapped up in his usual madness.
The trouble is that for a midday show, the audience are never drunk enough to really get loosened into the swing of the abstract nature, neither was it an ideal location due to The Stand's habit of cramming far more people into the venue than there are seats. It's a sad truth that nothing is quite so funny when you have to stand in a corner, leaning round a pillar trying to see the act. Even more so when it's not all that funny.
Hopefully next year, that'll be addressed, and Law will return with a show that has more laughs than dry alluded social comments.