Humorous, thought provoking, bittersweet and unsettling, True Brits is a male monologue that speaks volumes but does so in a low key and truthful way.
The absence of traditional theatricality means that Rahul’s transition from awkward teenager to well adjusted young man is natural to watch and moves at such a smooth pace that the narrative is compelling.
Covering a time period including the London bombings and the Olympics, the story examines what it is like to be a normal teenager who suddenly gets looked at in a suspicious way.
Three generations of his family have lived and died by the Thames but Rahul’s Britishness is questioned and his sense of belonging thrown when events beyond his control start changing public perception.
David Mumeni is utterly believable in the role of Rahul gently milking the comedy and handling the poignant moments with great sensitivity.
Vinay Patel’s writing sparkles as it trips off Mumeni’s tongue and political points are made forcefully but without being overstated.
You are left feeling that the question shouldn’t be "how British are you?" but rather "who’s asking the question and why?".