White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Nassim Soleimanpour
Aurora Nova
Assembly George Square Studios

With no rehearsal, no director, a different actor each night and a script waiting in a sealed envelope on stage, internationally acclaimed White Rabbit, Red Rabbit by Iranian writer Nassim Soleimanpour is the successful counter piece to Blind Hamlet.

This performance's actor is Sue Perkins, who is all that the author could have wanted for this experiment.

The script that Ms Perkins reads couldn’t be more immediate or vital. The script tells us everything. Mr Soleimanpour has the unusual insight of providing everything just as it is needed.

We are told firstly that this is not so much a play as an experiment. And it is. But as a deception it entertains, it amuses.

But before we’re done, we are examining a slice of society that is the heart of Mr Soleimanpour’s experiment. What is frightening that it almost slips by us.

It's no wonder this play, written 13 years ago when in his 20s, has been translated into different languages and played round the world.

Reviewer: Catherine Henry Lamm

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