There is a knock at the door in a South London flat in 1979. Ivy has arrived with some dreadful news that her brother Charlie is dead possibly murdered. But who is the killer?
Anna Ryan's Who Killed Bambi? sets out to discover the truth.
Charlie was the lead guitarist of an emerging punk band, the London Slappers. Everyone had got totally drunk after the gig and piecing the events together of what happened last night is a bit of a blur for the flatmates and friends.
Charlie was supposed to be in bed and Johnny convinces us that he wasn’t responsible, despite the fact that he went out for air and no one can corroborate his sketchy alibi. Did one of his friends want Charlie dead and if so, what was their motive? Everyone appears to have a secret and no one is telling the truth.
Relationships between Johnny and Nancy have become strained and Rosie is concerned about lonely Daz who has become exceedingly quiet and is acting strangely. Could they be involved? The plot certainly thickens as revelations come fast and furious, and suspicions mount at every twist and turn in this murder mystery.
This is billed as an ensemble piece with a running time of 50 minutes but only lasted 35 and gave little opportunity for the cast to develop their characters in any depth. There was certainly the making of a murder mystery here but the lack of pace and the ability to create tension was missing, Pity.