Wild West End

Book Adam Paulden and Matt Levenhall Lyrics Andrew Doyle and Ed Clarke
Paulden Hall Productions
Pleasance Queen Dome

This is an entertaining look at the world of musicals that parodies many of the hits of the West End. Jack is a young lyricist who is suffering from writer’s block. His whole ambition is to write a hit musical. He sings "any theme will do" to the tune of "Any Dream Will Do" from Joseph and this is the motif that runs through this hilarious, laugh out loud show.

Lynda is his fairy godmother, sprinkling magic glitter into his eyes that transports him to Sparkelton, a mystical world of musicals.

He meets up with Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, who wants to play another role, the Phantom from the Opera who has a confession to make and the Lion from The Lion King who wants a second act.

If you are a musical fan you are going to love this revue with such classics as "Who will Buy" from Oliver but in this case they are selling overpriced merchandise from the shows and it really is very funny, wonderfully tongue-in-cheek humour.

Technical theatre, with the spectacle on the stage with lights and sounds, also gets special treatment.

The Phantom reveals that he is really in love with Raoul not Christine and is very camp indeed.

They all have ambitions and wishes so it’s time to set off to meet the Wizard of Oz or rather the Lizard. I think you may have got the basic concept by now. To give more detail would spoil the show but there are bags of other showbiz songs and a rousing ending.

With witty new lyrics by Andrew Doyle and Ed Clarke, all beautifully sung by this versatile cast, this is a gleeful hour that will have you laughing at the songs as you leave.

Reviewer: Robin Strapp

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