As always, Edinburgh International Book Festival, which this year has started to spill out of Charlotte Square and onto George Street, features a number of events of interest to theatre enthusiast, as well as a growing number of theatre-style performances.
Most of the Book Festival's events are one-off, hour-long talks or interviews involving authors promoting their latest books. Well-known stage and screen actors, writers and directors often appear in the programme talking about various subjects from memoirs to biographies to children's books, plus there are often events from journalists, academics or other writers on a theatrical theme.
In the last couple of years, however, the Festival has started to introduce some theatre-style performances, which this year have been expanded with a series of "Theatrical Explorations" and other events that are more drama than discussion.
It is always worth keeping an eye on the Unbound late night events, the programme for which is released much later than the main programme, as it often features performers from the Book Festival and the Fringe in free, non-ticketed events.