Amongst the lectures, interviews, discussions and tutorials, there are a few events that are more like theatrical performances than the rest of the programme.
Leading these is a trio of events based on novels, each billed as "A Theatrical Exploration". These are all co-produced with Edinburgh's Lyceum Theatre and feature a discussion with the novel's author and the creative team following the performance. The books featured are The Outrun by Amy Liptrot (Saturday 12 August), His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet (Saturday 19 August) and Dirt Road by James Kelman (Saturday 26 August).
Subtitled "A Solo Show Gets Personal", There Were Two Brothers (Sunday 13 August) is a new solo show from performer Mark Kydd which is part-monologue, part-lecture and part-storytelling as he and his brother discover that they share more than a birthday.
An ongoing performance through the first week of the festival, A Piece of You (Monday 14 to Friday 18 August) is a performance of 30 minutes for up to 3 people at a time in which award-winning artist, cellist and composer Greg Sinclair "turns your innermost thoughts into your very own music score".
Another interactive performance is Plan: Build a New Town (Monday 14 August) from Scottish theatre maker Ishbel McFarlane in which the audience (or "jurors" as they are described) build their own imaginary New Town. It is said to offer "a thought-provoking spin on how countries are reshaped following conflict".
Billed as "A Tale for Our Times", Lord Fox (Thursday 17 August) from songmaker Kirsty Law, author Kirsty Logan and harpist Esther Swift is a contemporary reworking of a "traditional tale of seduction, curiosity, violence and revenge". American theatre maker Daniel Sack asked 121 writers and artists to present their new visions of the world of no more than a page; the result is Imagined Theatres (Thursday 17 August), a mixture of poems, stories and "strange new formulations".
Presented by poet and playwright Roger McGough, Charles Causley 100 Years (Sunday 20 August) is a one-off performance of original work and Causley classics from some of the storytellers, poets, spoken word artists and puppeteers who have been supported by the Charles Causley Trust.