Big Bite-Size Breakfast Show: Menu 1

Annette Storckman, James Hutchinson, Carey Crim, Thomas Willshire, Seamus Sullivan
Bite-Size Plays
Pleasance Dome

Big Bite-Size Breakfast Show

Menu 1 is a pleasingly consistent programme.

Desk Fort by Annette Storckman

Office comedies are hard to bring off but this piece does the trick. It features Tom Hartwell as a worker who retreats beneath his desk as an escape from the rat race. His co-workers do their best to entice him out but the final oucome is wittily unpredictable.

Never Give Up by James Hutchinson

Billy Knowelden is Nigel, an aspiring playwright. He has submitted over 500 efforts to Todd (Tom Hartwell) and is finally invited to a meeting.

The mismatch of expectations between a terrible writer and a kindly producer, combined with tragedy, make for a poignant comedy.

Green Dot Day by Carey Crim

Emily and David played by Rosie Edwards and Thomas Willshire are young marrieds trying to conceive.

We meet them on critical Green Dot Day, when the odds are highest. Their efforts are a perfect source for touching, thoughtful humour.

The Retirement Position by Thomas Willshire

Billy Knowelden is an ageing lifeguard who has gone freelance to stave off loneliness. Imogen Miller Porter plays an equally lonely woman whom he has saved. Their bonding makes for an unorthodox drama.

Sad 2am Sex Fantasy by Seamus Sullivan

The title almost says it all. This satire takes place in the head of a man ineffectually using his internal porn-generator to spice up his dreams, much to the irritation of his internal porn stars and backstage crew.

Reviewer: Philip Fisher

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