
Phil Porter
Traverse 2

Blink is a romantic comedy that centres on two eccentric individuals.

Initially, it is hard to see what will bring Jonah and Sophie together: he a Yorkshireman brought up in a religious commune, she a middle class Londoner.

They end up living in the same house in Leytonstone and, to get the story of their interaction going, playwright Phil Porter makes Sophie send Jonah the watching half of a video baby alarm.

He seems well suited to spying, relishing the kind of private voyeurism that eventually leads to a chat with a police officer.

The couple begin to indulge in a bout of mutual stalking that is transformed when Sophie suffers an accident. After a long period in a coma, she emerges into a more conventional relationship with her would-be beau, the success of which had better not be revealed in a review.

The quirky comedy and contrived plotting might well appeal most to those who, like the characters played by Harry McEntire and Rosie Wyatt, are addicted to Australian daytime soaps.

Reviewer: Philip Fisher

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