Blue Bin Day, written by Elijah Young, is a short monologue which achieves the objective of leaving the audience wanting more.
Craig (Chris Connell) is a dustbin man on a mission. A passing concern about a number of dead cats dumped in dustbins on his route is becoming an obsession. Yet his interpretation of clues about the identity of the culprit leads Craig to the worrying conclusion they may be someone he knows and for whom he is responsible.
Director Jake Murray sets a deceptive mood for the monologue. An initially laid-back, chatty vibe gives way to an uncomfortably tense feeling of encroaching paranoia and even madness.
The director is following the approach taken by the author. The opening of the monologue is comedic with the protagonist presented as something of a jobsworth: less concerned with the appearance of murdered moggies than that the corpses have been dumped in the blue recycling bins instead of those used for general waste. Gradually, the mood darkens with Craig beginning to doubt initially the motives of the culprit and ultimately his effectiveness as a father. It is an unlikely development, but Young’s skilful script makes the concept work.
Chris Connell creates such a likeable protagonist, Craig retains audience sympathy even as his behaviour becomes extreme. It is a terrific performance moving from a lively, active bloke with a ready laugh to a hard-eyed obsessive.
Blue Bin Day is a disturbing but compelling play.