Molly Davies has thought up two fascinating ideas for a play / book / film but nevertheless Chicken does not feel anywhere near ready for exposure to the public.
East Anglia has just declared UDI from the rest of the United Kingdom (if it still is by that time).
The play, which runs for under an hour, combines that premise with the even weirder idea that chickens are intent on taking over the Fens and possibly the world.
One strand therefore explores the reactions of the natives to the political turmoil. This involves returners coming home to their roots as separation beckons but also the old Welsh question as to whether people can legitimately recover holiday homes previously owned but rarely occupied by those from whom the state has seceded.
Separately, much to the anguish of her parents, Emily who works for a well-known supermarket chain is testing out her powers as a witch.
Given time, these ingredients could well form the basis for a much stronger theatrical piece.