Lilith: The Jungle Girl

Sisters Grimm
Sisters Grimm
Traverse Theatre


Australian company Sisters Grimm use a style reminiscent of Monty Python’s Flying Circus to illuminate the story of a “girl” brought up by lions in Borneo but then repatriated to Holland.

Set in 1861, the 75-minute piece satirises adventure stories and can be very funny, although the absurdity, which starts with a man Ash Flanders playing the jungle girl, can overwhelm the story.

Lilith is welcomed and trained by arch Dr Penworth played by Candy Bowers and his loyal, loving secretary, Genevieve Giuffre’s Travers.

The path back to humanity is littered with problems, although a return to the lions is equally difficult, especially as the adopted family have become trophies for big game hunters.

As with so much performance art, viewers will have to determine underlying meanings and intentions for themselves.

Gender issues are paralleled and given the swapping by all three performers, transgender activists may find much food for thought, among the laughs.

Reviewer: Philip Fisher

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