This two-hander was one of the first plays to be written that addressed the experiences of New Yorkers in the wake of the attack on the World Trade Center
While epic events are being played out in the streets on September 12, 2001, Labute views the disaster from the selfish perspective of just two citizens.
Ben and Abby (Kane Sharpe and Jennifer Pick) are both lovers and work colleagues. Their affair has been going on for three years and has reached the point of make or break at which Ben must either leave his wife and the children whom he loves or withdraw from the affair.
Matters are complicated further by age - he is a dozen years younger - and work imperatives - she is his boss.
In a really edgy, claustrophobic atmosphere, the pair bicker about their relationship and future. The added spice comes from the opportunity offered by the events of the previous day. Ben should have been lost forever but was in the throes of extra-marital oral sex when he should have died at the office.
The tension builds well to a dramatic and somewhat unexpected denouement in this strong production directed by Matthew Evans, only slightly hampered by the actors' ages, some ten and twenty years too young for their parts respectively.