The Fringe is home to anything that you could possibly imagine but, even so, a two-handed stage version of Henry James's classic ghost story, complete with three delightful, home-made Bunraku puppets, is something else.
Pleasingly, Box Tale Soup proves to be an accomplished company led by a pair of fine actors who make the most of an atmospheric hour-long adaptation directed by Adam Lenson.
Antonia Christophers plays the much put-upon Victorian Governess who takes on the job from Hell looking after Miles and Flora the sweetest children imaginable—when they are not possessed.
The energetic Noel Byrne takes every other part, with the aid of three puppets, each of whom he imbues with convincing character.
Between them, they tell a gripping story, she a mistress of the fearful look, he of the sinister, in a beautifully judged performance.