White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Nassim Soleimanpour
Volcano (Canada) / Wolfgang Hoffmann / Remarkable Arts
St George's West

Since the playwright Nassim Soleimanpour is trapped in Iran, he has asked a different performer to speak his words at each performance in Edinburgh and elsewhere around the globe.

This piece was written in mid-2010 and explores the meaning of performance and the relationship between writers and their audiences, a recurring theme on this year's Fringe. It also obliquely considers the problems of writers in repressive states.

The actor at the performance under review was Debbie Pearson, co-director of Forest Fringe

She was given a script on stage that she had never seen before and instructed to start reading it, involving audience members as instructed by the author.

This is a strange experience for all concerned and in a little under an hour, visitors are asked to consider the absent writer, the present actor and themselves as people and parts of the performance.

This culminates with the actor prone on stage, having drunk what might be a fatal potion.

White Rabbit Red Rabbit is a fascinating deconstruction of the theatrical experience, which will tour forever and keep the writer's plight in the limelight. We must hope that soon, he is able to perform it for himself.

Reviewer: Philip Fisher

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